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Here comes the neighborhood...

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

StreamerStreet is officially open! Well, more or less, because while the website is not 'official' yet, we have a basic concept! Welcome to the neighborhood!

So what's this all about?

StreamerStreet is a new, up and coming concept for streamers!

We saw that most online streamer communities fall in either of the following two categories:

- A pyramid-style group, where one person or brand governs the group and everyone else joins 'underneath'. The problem with these kinds of groups is that the governing party benefits from added traffic and attention, whereas the people joining get minimal attention or care.

- A community, where different communities 'blend' together. The problem with this is that everyone blending in to the community loses their own unique brand in favour of the main brand/name/topic.

We prefer a more dynamic approach, and decided we'd want more of a neighborhood approach; a loosely grouped neighborhood of likeminded content creators that share and collaborate on occasion (think 'neighborhood barbecue'), but are otherwise completely independed (think 'home owner'). This way, StreamerStreet creates a platform to find content creators with similar quality, vibe and interest, without force-grouping them into one united brand!

Interested in what kind of people live in the neighborhood? Have a look at the various houses on the Neighborhood Map! We're sure you'll find content creators you'll enjoy!

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